Mike Malefakis

Mike Malefakis

CEO and Vice Dean
Wharton Executive Education

Session Description:

Deeper learning as a source of your resilience

In a times of unprecedented change and uncertainty, the ability to adapt is essential to success. Adapting means learning a new way. In fact, learning is about getting out of your comfort zone and paradoxically expanding it at the same time. Learning is a new way to lead.

During the session we will focus on how our approach to learning shapes our adaptability to change, differentiating 2 types of learning - quick, just in time learning vs deeper more resilient learning and reflecting when and why we should choose one of those.

Personal Information:

As Wharton’s Executive Education team as CEO & Associate Vice Dean, Mike Malefakis is responsible for overseeing business development, faculty engagement, and program design to grow the global portfolio of custom and open enrollment programs. Previously, he served as Associate Dean of Executive Education at Columbia Business School and as Director of Executive Education at the University of Chicago Booth School of business. Earlier in his career Mike worked as the Director of the Executive Education Center at the Institutio Centroamericano de Adminsitracion de Empreses in San Jose, Costa Rica. Mike holds a Masters of International Affairs from Columbia and a BA in Social Science from the University of Michigan. Mike is a dedicated lifelong learner who likes to cook and travel.