Louise Taylor

Louise Taylor

Leadership & Career Coach
Thrive Partners

Session Description:

Courageous Careers: Navigating through a career transition

Research shows that nowadays the average person makes up to 12 career changes throughout their working life (including promotions and internal transfers). With the speed at which job trends and technology change today, frequent career changes are often inevitable. Also, organizational transformations are opening up a variety of career development possibilities. However, not always those opportunities comes in time and shape we have expected. So how can you ensure that you stay in the driving seat in your career and maximise your career development and progression in uncertainty? During the session Louise will share with us insights and tips coming from her extensive coaching experience on how to best navigate through different career transitions. She will be invite us to share experiences, ask questions and reflect on our own career development using different exercises.

Personal Information:

Louise specialises in helping driven professionals to shape their dream careers and develop habits for peak performance and resilience.

Since 2009 Louise has coached over a hundred leaders with a focus on career transition and development, behavioural change, leadership, communication, influencing and managing emotions and stress. She has also coached leaders to design and launch coaching and consulting businesses.

Louise is an experienced and innovative Solutions Designer & Consultant, who has worked in this capacity for much of her career, gradually moving up into more senior roles. Louise brings a wealth of experience designing and delivering talent and leadership programs in companies such as Microsoft, GE Money, Barclays, Inchcape, Boots, HSBC, Google, Yahoo!, AXA, Astra Zeneca, Commonwealth Bank, Babcock and Wesfarmers.

With coaching psychology training and a Graduate Certificate in Counselling, Louise has effective, evidence-based tools to access the root cause of behavioural change and results. Louise is an International Coach Federation (ICF) PCC credential holder and has over 800 hours’ coaching experience. She can use tools such as Strengths Finder, Hogan, LSI, CCL and fuel50 Career Assessment tools to help her clients gain clarity and increase effectiveness.